How Many Black Men Must Be Murdered By White Police Officers Before This Travesty of Justice Is Corrected?

The answer to this question is; Not One More!  It will be instrumental here to examine causes and affect  It requires therefore a brief examination of American history and the resulting observations and conclusions that are certainly inferred if not drawn.

America through out it’s entire history has affixed and associated itself with ideas and causes that are of a high moral fiber and more benevolent order than the lower aspects of human nature and behavior are associated with.  This includes a moral consciousness that is regulated by the soul of humanity and vanguards against violations of moral turpitude and justice because each of us, most Americans believe, is a creation of God.  As such, respect for God and love of humanity are of paramount importance both to the principles of our justice departments and our treatment of each other and ourselves.

It would have been so awesome if all of the ideas and values in the preceding paragraph were a reality for all, all of the time for everyone living in America since it’s inception.  That unfortunately has not been the case.  Particularly as it pertains to or relates to African-Americans or Black populous in this country.  Much of this can be attributed to the over two hundred and fifty years of slavery that is the foundation that America is financially built upon.   America’s Declaration of Independence states “All men are created equal.  Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights amongst which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.  After statements like that to then reduce it to a pile of bullshit through the actions of actually enslaving another human being  leaves those involved with profiteering from slavery with only one way out.  That is to put or rather identity the individuals being held in captivity as slaves as something else other than human.  It becomes clear given these circumstances and duration of time in which they were perpetuated how and why racism and prejudice are such big factors in the American social structure.  There were factors and laws put in place to further the cause and safeguard against any threats to the institution and practices such as they were, that may have been disruptive to business as usual.  This included the reduction of the slave from being human to a piece of personal property.  Also it was against most civil codes and law to teach a slave how to read or write.  Attempting to escape the shackles of slavery through the action of fleeing was prosecuted with heavy and severe physical punishment including a public lashing or whipping or imprisonment and lynchings.

There are other considerations that must be taken into account to accurately and honestly assess the prejudice and racism inborn with slavery and the slave trade.  On the feeling of physical inferiority that must have resulted  when the white male in America compared themselves against the often naked male slave sold on the auction block from a purely anatomical perspective.  Particularly insulting to the white male ego was to note penis size between the two races.  The thought of a black man having sex with a white woman is infuriating to the white male.  Not for the damages caused to her, but for comparisons she may and perhaps will make not between two men, but two races and lust for joy.  This is why for many years here in America and may still occur that a black man is lynched.  This is the pure and unadulterated truth.  The next factor that must be considered is the intimidation that results when physical foes or adversaries whether real or imagined confront each other.

A direction that must be examined is the fear of possible justifiable retaliation on behalf of a black person for centuries of mistreatment and racism on behalf of white people.  This imagined fear is a paranoia that those whom investigate murder and crime every day accumulate particular insights into what can and can not be done or accepted.   Now when a system that is comprised of many parts has each and every part covering for the other the system is functioning and working as it should.  Now all systems have an objective and purpose.  When white policemen murder unarmed black men with no ensuing consequences the judicial system and justice has failed the black community once again.   Recently in Sacramento a young, unarmed, 22 year old black man, father of two children, was murdered by police officers who shot him some twenty times.  What makes this shooting even more disturbing is that the murder occurred on what should have been a safe environment given the fact, it was the backyard of his grandmother.  Why does the circumstances and victims, appearing as if they are exactly the same, keep happening over and over again with no justice awarded to the victims and no consequences imposed upon the perpetrators of murder upon black men by white law enforcement officers.  Here is what logic dictates!  That the judicial court system, the grand jury system, law enforcement officers, as well as much of the white populace and politicians are all going to cover each others asses.  The established statement by police to a murder they have committed is that the victim appeared to have a gun or some sort of weapon and to protect their own lives after allegedly facing the possibility and fear that they may not see their children or loved ones again, they were left with no other choice.   The grand juries almost 99.9% of the time refuses to bring charges.  Add to this that any judge that presides over a case like this will likely find no circumstances for guilt on behalf of the police officers.   The politicians will remain silent and offer no criticism on the actions of the police.  This may have a little to do with a reality check of what can possibly happen to them for condemnation of police actions, which ultimately can be viewed as an insult to them and a condemnation of America’s entire social structure and acknowledgement of the built in racism and bigotry which cripples it.  In order that this insanity and criminal activity come to an end immediately the Federal Government must be willing to step up with the promise of severe prosecution for any violations whether it be either civil or criminal.

I call it; just like it is!                                                                                                                       Sincerely;

Marcus T. Tolbert

What Does Trump’s Appointment of Bolton as NSA Mean For America?

Unfortunately there will be no good that will come of this in any way for America or Americans.  Mark my words here!  The appointment of Bolton as the NSA to President Trump will result in dire, serious, traumatic and financially overbering consequences for America.  Bolton’s history shows his character to be indicative of a coward that has no guts, but camouflages it with plenty of bold talk and encouraging others to war and fight.  This sadly will be the consequence in America’s very near future.  I predict that before a year passes by that America, with a coward serving as President and one serving now as the NSA will be involved in a grave and costly war.  I call it; just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert

Why Does Trump Spend So Much Time Denying Collusion Between Himself and Russia?

This is a good question.  The answer is that Trump is extremely concerned that expanding investigation by Robert Mueller is going to place him in a position whereby he either must resign from office or be faced with severe prosecution.  Let’s all face the music; Trump must go!  An individual that is totally free of guilt or circumstances that would imply such, would have no need to constantly attempt at diminishing those of his own Department of Justice including his own Attorney General Sessions.  Trump will soon be left with no other choice than facing the music himself as a principled, respected, law enforcement official such as Mueller goes after the facts.  I call it; just like it is!

Trump and Tillerson

Trump seemingly had one staff member whom appeared to have stayed connected with reality and protocol and that individual was in the personage of his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.  That was abruptly shattered today with Trump’s firing of Tillerson.  For months now, it did appear as if Tillerson’s time as Secretary of State was indeed limited.  This may have had a lot to do with the vindictiveness of Trump’s nature and the unwillingness to forgive Tillerson the inferred reference to Trump as a  moron back in July 2017.

Although Trump has promoted the campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again”, he himself has done more to diminish America’s standing and respect throughout the world than any other man to hold office over the last seventy-five years.  I call it, just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert

Only The Simplistic!

What adult human-being of any substance vents on twitter at 4:30 am cst about imagined misdeeds, mistreatment, malice or prejudice that perhaps may be directed towards them without any substantial proof of such an occurrence or happenstance.  When this individual holds the most powerful position on earth and they reduce this  position to a level of juvenile vindictiveness and retaliation through simplistic and not very well thought through tweets it speaks neither well of him nor America.  Trump is showing himself over and over again to be nothing more than an egocentric, simple-minded moron.  This guy should not be President of this great country.  My greatest fear is that the disgust and disdain that we as the American people and contempt he has for the real values and morays are nowhere near the darkest yet to come.  I call it, just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert









It Is Way Past Time That America Does Something Different!

To bring about change it will first be necessary that a firm understanding of what the causes for the reason that the 2nd Amendmendment exist at all anyways.  The 2nd Amendment was officially adopted as part of nine other amendmendts collectively known in The United States Constitution as “The Bill of Rights” on December 15, 1791.  Now the American Bill of Rights owes a bit of thanks to the English Bill of Rights which preceded it by 102 years which was adopted in England in 1689.  Safeguards were instituted in English Law to impose limitations upon a Catholic  King’s power (Richard II) at attempts to disarm a massive protestant populous in England.

The reasoning behind the English insistence upon the right that citizens be allowed the right to bear arms be Constitutionally protected covered five areas of grave concern.  Keep in mind that at this time police departments or constable departments were not centralized, focused departments of civil protection.  Also at this time both in England and the United States the ugly institutions of the slave trade were widespread throughout the respective countries.  Thus the right to bear arms was viewed as a necessary impediment in suppression of any movements towards a slave uprising or revolt.    It is very appropriate to be aware of the brutal and inhumane abuse the African slave was subjected to at this point in time.  This went against the basic clauses of this country’s “Declaration of Independence”  which begins with the statement.  “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  The only way to give slavery justification under these circumstances was to hold the slave in less of a light than being human.  Regardless of the way slaves were treated by their white slave masters, the white people still had a conscious and could not comfortably live with it, for fear that at some time retribution wold be made by the slaves or God.   After living and being treated as something less than human for three centuries or more; is it any wonder that racism has such a strong presence in America? This more than any other reason and cause for citizens of the U.S. to come under the provisions of the 2nd Amendment.    The right to bear arms gave all citizens of both countries  in the sense that they would have a means to further protect their lives and property.  Thirdly but certainly not least is the issue of the defense of the State or Country from military aggression of an outside influence.  Keep in mind that there was no draft board or necessary commitment of military service upon the general populous and there was no centralized Department of Defense for arming the military, which was an action that was legislated upon and put in the hands of Congress.

The present presidential administration has done every thing possible to make America as dictated by the preamble to  the “Constitution” less of a “more perfect Union” and greatly disrupted “domestic tranquility”.  More so than at any other time than the Civil War in America.  I would be remiss if I did not mention here desegregation and the “Civil Rights Movement” which also caused a considerable rift in the seam of domestic tranquility.  The other comparable events that be compared with Trump’s disruption of domestic tranquility would have been The Vietnam War in at least the last 100 years.

Keep in mind that Trump keeps lying that there has been no collusion between him and the Russians.  I don’t know what else to call it when a candidate that is running for President of the United States invites a foreign power to become involved in our election process from a campaign podium none the less!  But I digress, back to point.

The point of this commentary has been to point out the three aforementioned reasons are all outdated.  Of course exclusion maybe miscalculated for those suffering from mental illness and acute paranoia, perhaps it is the penalty for having a conscious may not be resolved with.  Now the Conservative Party and far right, particularly the NRA find themselves supporting irrevocably the 2nd Amendment.   Based on history, murder nor paranoia can not be ruled out as motives for what their participation and patronage may mean.

Again a large reason for supporting the Second Amendment may very well be so citizens will be armed to defend themselves against an eminent danger such as uprising amongst the Black populous, because in the past they were treated so bad for so long.  America has not freed itself of the social impact of slavery on many levels and it is still currently felt by every African-American at least once a day.  Trump has done more to promote hatred and discord than any other President of the last sixty years.

Lastly how many more children or people have to be murdered before an end to this madness is enacted?  I call it; just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert

The Best Way of Tax Reform!

Clearly the current structure of Donald Trump’s Tax Reform is going to be a massive failure in terms of increasing the national deficit and the burden shouldered by those of us whom are, least able to afford it, to supplement the huge tax  breaks given to those of us whom are most able to afford it.  This is a poorly thought out plan.  The best way forward to tax reform would have been the presentation of a program that would have incentivized donations at the corporate and business levels when making contributions to priority projects such as infrastructure and the border wall.  The best way of accomplishing this would have been essentially “killing two birds with a single stone”.  This would have radically reduced the projected forthcoming increase of the national deficit over the next ten years down to zero from a minimum of 1.6 trillion dollars to a maximum of 2.6 trillion dollars.  In this way America benefits greatly in that it is made ready for the future as well as safety.  What type of incentives would need to be implemented to trigger such massive contributions.  The answer will be to allow companies and corporations 100% write off of all contributions with perhaps an additional write off percentage points beyond 100% if given early.  This is a huge incentive at the corporate level and the benefit to be associated with providing for the community and for America as a whole.  This would have been far more beneficial to all of America and Amercans than the bullshit Trump has put forth.  I call it; just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert

How Does Trump’s Tax Law That Will Allow Raising the Tax Deduction for the Purchase Price of A Private Jet from 50% to 100% Benefit Middle-Class Americans?

The truth of the matter is that it in no way does one damn thing for the average American which it was never meant to do.  Trump may be able to bullshit everyone else, but he will never be able to bullshit me because I examine the facts.  When examining the needs and cost that is required to bring America’s infrastructure to date.  Again Trump is choosing to implement policies that will benefit him and those like him everyone else be damned.  How is it possible to pretend as if America’s budget deficit is of any real concern when all of your policies are about diminishing financial responsibility of the very wealthiest to the country responsible for your great opportunities.  I call it; just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert

Have Mercy on This Father

Today a father after listening to two of his three daughters whom were all sexually molested deliver impact statements in court at the trial of Larry Nasser the despicable animal that is alleged to have sexually assaulted 246 young girls and women asked that the judge grant him five minutes alone with the defendant and if five could not be given then just one minute.  The judge answered the request by telling the father of three abused daughters she couldn’t grant such a request because that was not the way that the legal system worked at which time the father said he would take the matter into his own hands and ran towards the defendant.  He was tackled by police officers, handcuffed and led away.  He appeared again three hours later before the same judge  begging for forgiveness at which time the judge showed compassion and empathy for him saying that his actions were understandable given what his family has endured during this ordeal.  The judge further stated that there would be no consequences or penalties assessed or invoked for his actions in court today.  Now if I had been the judge I would have granted the father ten minutes alone with Nasser behind a locked door.   Thank you, your Honor!  I call it, just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert