Kellyanne Conway’s Promo of Ivanka Trump’s Product Line

This conveys publicly the reason that Donald J. Trump can not be trusted on the issues of avoiding, above reproach, any areas in which may arise “conflicts of interest”. The malevolent light that has been cast on Trump’s Administration and indeed Presidency as a whole can not be over estimated at this point. This is the type of blunder that only an idiot would make or one so caught up kissing their boss’s ass that ethics and standards are not relevant to position. Trump’s promises and premises that his administration will be based upon law, must realize, that unless a foundation of ethics is recognized law has no meaning. Therefore for Trump and his Party’s sake it is necessary for prudence to prevail and Conway removed from her position immediately. However I feel that will be similar to putting a band aid over a dike for the reason that this type of action is but the beginning of many, many more to follow.
I call it; just like it is!
Marcus T. Tolbert

Donald J. Trump’s Ego and Allegation of Voter Fraud

Donald J. Trump’s ego is so massive that the only way palatable for him to accept that almost 3 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton than him is to allege voter fraud. This in spite of the fact that there is no proof or concrete evidence of such. The question that becomes most readily apparent is; “What kind of moron must you or he be to not see what a poor choice he is for President?”
Now yesterday Trump signed an Executive Order for this 2400 miles of pipeline that will run from Canada to refineries in Oklahoma and Texas.  With this act the stock market reached a high never seen before and at this moment stands at 20,053.   At the same time as his affirmation for the Keystone Pipeline Project to proceed, he issued a ban on social media access by the EPA and it’s affiliates.   Another question that must be raised here is;  “Does Trump have any concept of the First Amendment other than to be utilized as a bitching mechanism by himself?”

Next he states that “He is essentially an environmentalist, but the EPA is out of control!” In an interview with ABC’s correspondent David Muir he states that he will begin immediately the construction of “The Wall” along the southern borders of the United States.  When asked about how it will be paid for Trump states that the Mexican government will reimburse the United States for the cost involved in construction of the wall.   Trump further states that this alleged reimbursement for the constructed “Wall” will go through a complicated process with the American government under a Trump presidency.   This after both the recent President of Mexico President Vincente Fox, President Felipe Calderon and the current President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto have all vowed and stated that as President of the Mexican Federation of States they will have nothing to do with the funding of a wall.   Next question that must be asked is;  “Who the hell does Donald J. Trump thinks he is?”   Just because he has relied on American stupidity to become President of the United States,  it gives him no authority over or upon any other sovereign and independent  nations anywhere.  This type of resolute disregard of other nations is a path that will lead to the destruction of America.

Of course the oil companies rallied after Trump’s decision on the Keystone Pipeline Project, and the American Stock Market; because so much of the American economy is centered around oil prices.   Now oil companies have brainiacs working for them that are astute in media control and propaganda as well as networking amongst the world-wide oil companies network.   These alliances amongst and between them has set up a situation whereby the events, constraints, and dictates of the world economies are controlled and put into action by them.   Free markets no longer exist because everything is controlled by a very few.   This can be seen in Trump’s selection for Secretary of State a retired Exxon Super-Executive by the name of Rex Tillerson whom has extensive relationship with the Russian Oil company Rosneft.   ExxonMobil was one of the few western oil companies that has remained and prospered in the Russian Republic or Union under Tillerson’s leadership.   This nomination of Tillerson as Secretary of States puts him in a position to have insider knowledge that can predict what is favorable to oil markets and particularly ExxonMobil.   This is a further travesty to the idea of open and free markets.   It is obvious that apparently no one with the IQ above that of a brick finds any opposition to this, which shows how stupid the American public is once again.

Trump throughout his campaign for president kept yelling how rich he is and not in the pockets of anyone, entity, company or bank.   Trump realized and implements an idea and propaganda technique first put into affect by the Hitler machine.   The idea that if a lie is repeated often enough, it will only be a small amount of time before it is taken as fact or truth.   Much like another Republican President George W. Bush and his lie campaign concerning Saddam Hussain’s and Iraq’s “Weapon’s of Mass Destruction”.   That ultimately drove America to holding a 14 trillion dollar deficit to support the two theaters of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.   It ultimately contributed to Vice President Dick Cheney and his company Halliburton to rake in billions of dollars over and under the table in profits.   Since his election Goldman Sachs stock has surged 30%.   Remember now he painted a derogatory brush stroke of  an alleged relationship between Hillary Clinton and the Investment and Banking House of Goldman Sachs.   The immediate question is;   “Who is really in bed with Goldman?”   I just ask the real questions and I call it , just like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert


Trumps Insinuations About His Health Care Alternatives!?

Amongst Donald J. Trump’s proclamations about the Health-Care plan he will put into effect to replace the Affordable Care Act is coverage for everyone regardless of an individuals ability to pay. The question that becomes immediately apparent is: “How is this to be accomplished or even possible?” Particularly when considering the massive reductions in tax revenue from the forth coming tax cuts for the wealthiest people and corporations in America he has proposed. If the Affordable Care Act could not be sustained with 22 million paying for it, because it was too expensive. How is a program that covers everyone regardless of financial standing to occur? The only way that this type of plan to occur or whether occurs throughout First-World nations is on a socialized medicine plan. This type of platform was objected to overwhelmingly by the Republican Party when the Affordable Care Act was first considered. Mostly due to the argument that this would put the Federal Government in charge of American health care and destroy the principles of a competitive free market place. In other words private enterprise and business would not be able to compete with the government in terms of cost for services rendered.
Trump repeatedly during his campaign spoke of how much debt America was in and made it one of his rallying cries. Now there are a few things which do not add up to zero or balanced here. Given that the only way this type of health care exist in free markets is through a socialized system in which a percent of all tax dollars supports the nations health care system and is a one tier system in which that country provides a universal health care system. The next is a two tier system in which universal health care is provided in basic health care by the country of origin but may be supplemented by private insurance. The third is what is termed as Insurance-Mandate in which insurers are prevented from barring anyone because of a pre-existing condition and individuals are required to purchase insurance. This is the closest resembling the American Affordable Care Act Program. The question that arises here in terms of a socialized structure are: What percent of tax dollars must be put forth and how is that tax to be regulated? Will it be through sales tax, income tax, perhaps even property tax or combinations there of. The immediate consideration must be given to those whom own no property.
Another math question that comes up must be presented here. If under the Affordable Care Act 22 million people are paying an average of 150 dollars a month that is 3.3 billion dollars a month revenue that is being generated. The numbers will show that a significant amount more than that is paid by the average subscriber in the Affordable Care Act Program. Yet the only thing we ever heard from the insurance companies and their Republican lapdogs was that it was too expensive to keep in place, as with Donald J. Trump now. That leaves one to come to two conclusions given his statements that his alternative to the Affordable Care Act will be better and cost less. If you have a plan that will do more for less, what and where are the numbers that justify it. This has become standard operating procedure for Trump. He won’t disclose his tax statements, he won’t disclose the alleged papers that show his turnover of companies and divesture of personal assets to his son’s to avoid conflicts of interest. Trump has not put his assets into a private trust that will help to insure that his interest and his decisions on all levels and in all matters have nothing to do with each other by saying “trust me”. Pardon me, but as the saying goes: “I was born at night; but not last night.” So Donald J. Trump, you’re going to have to show me and the rest of America something, because I and we are cautious like that.
Back to the two conclusions that must be drawn from this scenario that has been presented. If you can truly do more for less then what has been the reason why there has been so much ado and hyperbole on the ACA numbers? It would appear to be incessant lying and untruths thus far presented by the insurance companies and their lapdogs; the Republican Party. If Trump’s plan is put forth it will be by deception and the American deficit and the least able Americans are going to suffer for it.
I just call it, like it is!
Marcus T. Tolbert: Protected by copyright.

What Does Trump Plan To Do About The Affordable Care Act

. There are a few facts that are constantly overlooked and denigrated by Donald J. Trump and the big insurance companies and their lapdogs the Republican Party.  There is also a rampant greed amongst Hospital Administrators and indeed the whole Medical community. Concerning quality of service and the exorbitant cost of medical care. There are a couple of questions that must be interjected at this point. How is it that the cost for medical care, attention and hospitalization are the most expensive on the planet here in America, yet the overall ranking of our health care system is in thirty-fifth place as put forth by the World Health Organization. Cuba’s Health Care System is ranked at significantly higher in the world on terms of fairness of finance.  That is the index that measures the fees a country’s inhabitants health care system cost for each in uniformity of services rendered regardless of that individuals wealth.  How is it, with the wealth and resources of the United States it has instituted no health care insurance program that will provide quality and adequate health care for all it’s citizens and inhabitants.  America is the only First-World country on the planet that has not recognized the importance in providing it’s inhabitants adequate and quality health care programs regardless of financial circumstances.
The next question that must be asked of this President-Elect and the Republican party is; What is to be done with the over 20 million plus people whom have enrolled in the Affordable Care Act Insurance Program?  Not one Republican has come forward and certainly not Trump with a plan that he or they will offer in it’s place.  This is because most of them have their heads stuck so far up an Insurance Company’s ass that when insurance agencies fart the Republican Party belches.   Here is another aspect that influences the Republican Congress and Senate in attempting to demolish health care for everyone.  It means that those whom the Republican Party deem as burdens such as minorities, the poor and unemployed with adequate health care would insure that they live longer and not succumb to unnecessary or rather avoidable deaths.  This is part of the Republican game plan to remove all safety nets for the most disenfranchised.  This is a program of genocide for those deemed not necessary and burdensome by the G.O.P.  For that brings forth the next question which should be: Whom of us is safe and who will be next?  I will answer this question with: No one is safe and any or all of us may be next.  I just call it; like it is!


Marcus T. Tolbert   Protected by copyright

Trump Needs To Study!

Trump Once Again Shows He Is Very Stupid!

I make this as my headline in response to the first interview President Elect Donald J. Trump has given after his win. The one statement that highlights his unawareness and ignorance of law and history is how he defends the honor and respect that must be given to the Supreme Court. At the same time he speaks of reversing the right for women to chose whether or not they want to be pregnant. Now the idiocy of this statement is if he has so much honor and respect for the Supreme Court, why then does he show intent to reverse a decision the Court has made titled “Roe vs Wade”. Which gives a woman the right to chose when and if she wants children. Every chance he gets he really displays the immature brain wave he functions on and at. In my previous post titled “Donald J. Trump As President”, I clearly laid out what will happen to America in the very near future. Secondly I would like to state how dreadful and disrespectful it is to those Americans whom are not WASP or any other form of what is considered a Caucasian to be confronted with his appointment of a certified bigot such as Steve Bannon to be the Chief White House strategist. If anyone feels forgotten, left out, or overlooked before Trump, then you are going to feel as if Hell has just started during Trump’s term in Office. The Republican Party is going to be worse off. The economy is going to suffer dramatically. The debt deficit is going to swelter and not one thing is going to be done for infrastructure. The inner cities will be worse off. Now mark my words the only thing or person that is going to profit from a Trump Presidency is Donald J. Trump and Trump Corporations and his family from being dealt insider information from the White House. Do not be surprised if Donald Trump is forced to resign the White House or go to Federal Prison. Race relations between Whites and everyone else will become so poor that the National Guard and U.S. military will be combatting wars on American soil against fellow Americans. Education quality is going to diminish because that is not of concern to Trump only the next piece of information that can be exploited for himself to make much more money. Well again this is the one time when I will hope to be proven wrong, but I seriously doubt that I will be.
“I just call it, like it is”. Trump is a tragedy for America!
Marcus T. Tolbert

Trump As President!

What begins now will be an ongoing process and agenda that gives massive tax breaks to the rich, minimization of benefits and wages for the blue collar workers and middle class. This will facilitate , in the Republican mind set, incentives for business, and opportunities to expand and demonstrate most powerfully what makes capitalism so great here in the United States.
Let me give my perspective and predictions of where this is going to go. There will be enacted by Donald Trump massive tax cuts again by a Republican Party President. Now early this morning he promised to rebuild America’s infrastructure and make many jobs. Well those jobs must pay their laborers, contractors, engineers, plans, and materials. How is that to be paid for under according to him the greatest national debt imaginable, while decreasing tax revenue. Furthermore none of this will result in any generated revenue. President Obama had a vision of doing this as well, but got no help or cooperation from one single Republican to accomplish it. Donald Trump will again as a typical Republican strive to deregulate all impositions, standards and controls on labor and oppress stagnate even obliterate all labor movements. This has been the biggest factor in the decline in numbers of the middle class in America during the past thirty-six years beginning with Reagan and his firing of the Air Traffic Controllers on August 11 1981. Since that time the American labor movement has nearly ceased. The question now to American business was how can we get rid of labor cost to skilled workers and craftsmen whose unions demands and rates seemed burdensome. The American worker expects too much they are not willing to work for less. The answer to this dilemma, was simply open the borders with no regulations and no controls. Thus when Republicans talk of immigration reform and the tremendous number of illegal immigrants, this largely due to the actions which started with the god-like status given to Ronald Reagan. The corporate profits are at levels never seen before largely due to the average rate of labor being stagnated. Yet, let them tell it, this is due to Obama and the Affordable Care Act.
One other thing that Donald Trump has spent much time on is the downgrading
of American Free Trade Act or NAFTA as a program that is the Clinton’s, when actually it was a program and agreement put into initiative by George H. W. Bush. He did not have enough time to put it into action before his term ended and thus President Clinton signed it.
Well what will happen now? Before the year of 2017 ends America will once again be involved in war further driving up America’s debt led by the lie this is America’s strength. America this is not our strength, bullies have never been esteemed for bullying by most observers. Markets are going to decline globally in the near future. As debt and policy led by Trump is moved in negative directions America’s place in the global economy is going to suffer dramatically. However there will be an entity that benefits and profits dramatically and that will Donald J. Trump Properties and close associates. I predict there will be a massive insider trading scandal that may quite possibly cause him to resign office or leave under indictment. The next four years are going to be disturbing on many levels. Crime is going to increase dramatically, the poor, the working poor, and middle class are going to suffer tremendously. Racial strife is going to reach levels not seen since the civil rights movements of the sixties. The inner cities and schools will see further declines and there will be no serious attempts or projects that show a commitment to build and or rebuild infrastructure. His Supreme Court Appointments will set America back into the past fifty years.
Let us all pray that I am wrong!
I usually end my articles and commentaries with the statement, “I just call it like it is.” Hopefully this time I have not.
Marcus T. Tolbert

Do Republicans Have Any Sense Of Fact?

From the rhetoric and speech that were put forth at the Republican Convention, the answer to that question must be a resounding No!  Donald “the say anything” J. Trump keeps pushing two themes. 1.).  To make America safe and 2.) To make America great again. This is to taint the current Democratic President Obama and. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to have in someway made America unsafe and not great.  To show how ridiculous these taints and taunts are it becomes necessary to examine the facts and events that were present in this country when President Obama took office.  On January 23, 2009 the Dow closed at 8077.56. On July 20, 2016 the Dow opened at 18,554 reflecting a roughly 125% increase of the Dow during the seven and one half years Obama has been President.  The unemployment rate for January 2009 was listed at 7.8% but by December of the same year unemployment was measured to be 9.9%.  This number was soon to become 10.4% without manipulation of the facts.  These high unemployment numbers can be directly attributed to the policies and actions of the Republican PRESIDENT George W. Bush that held office before President Obama.  As of June 2016 that number compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the unemployment ratio be 4.9%, reflecting a decrease in unemployment of over 50%.  At the beginning of President Obama’s term, America was involved in two theatres of war in Afghanistan and Iraq that there were no reasons for, other than that the most destructive entity that has ever inhabited the White House, wanted it, in the person of George W. Bush.  Of course these travesties of murder and capitulating to the bottomless veins of greed were supposed to have been justified as a war on and against terrorism.  This all justified as retribution for the events that occurred in America on that fateful day of September 11, 2001.  Never mind that the alleged greatest military power on each earth was so distracted, unorganized and inept they could not make the call to send interceptor jets to escort the hijacked jets to ground or be blown to pieces.  So this great military was so baffled by alleged military exercises being conducted jointly by FEMA, Homeland Security and the Department of Defense that they were incapable of taking action to secure our nation and people.  Now if anyone would devote more than a few hours into researching the events that occurred on September 11, 2001,  it is  impossible to not conclude that there was no way for any of those events to have occurred in the way that they did without the participation of the highest levels of American government, military and business leaders.  In essence this war on terrorism should be directed at the domestic terrorist responsible for September 11, 2001 and that was a sitting Republican President, George W. Bush, Vice President, Dick Cheney, Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, New York City Mayor, Rudolph Guiliani and most certainly Larry Silverstein the lease holder of the World Trade Center Complex.

Donald R. Trump keeps insinuating President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for the rise and proliferation of ISIS or ISIL, which are utterrances that only one who is either woefully unaware or has no respect for truth would dare to let fall from their lips.  Now I am an American that loves this country dearly as a beacon for justice and freedom.  However when America goes against these principles, we must also be mindful of it and protest.  From March 2003 to August 19, 2010, which represents the American and Euro-Asian Coalition Invasion of Iraq and the last American troop withdrawal from Iraq, respectively. A conservative estimate of the Iraqi dead during this time period is a low of one million to a high of two million.  This corresponds to between 342 and 684 civilian most abundantly and Iraqi military deaths committed every day for eight years against a people and country that had nothing to do with September 11, 2001 in America or weapons of mass destruction.  The question that should be answered now is; Who are the real barbarians and terrorists?  Furthermore ISIS like Al Qaeda only exist because of actions by Republican Presidents of the United States.  So the allegations that Hillary Clinton is responsible for ISIS is idiotic, given that ISIS was formed in 2004, for the exact reasons cited earlier in this paragraph.

In closing I will say one more thing about Trump and that is that the only thing and person that he is interested in is himself and furthermore his only interest in the White House is to milk it bone dry for the enrichment of himself, family and businesses.  This is why he has stated time and again that loosing the Presidency would be the biggest waste of money and time imaginable for himself.  A sentiment that would and could only be uttered by a selfish sonofabitch, such as himself.

I calI call it, just like it is.


Marcus T. Tolbert



Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan and The Republican Disregard

Again this morning, I watched Fox News Sunday.  This is one show that never ceases to amaze me as to how stupid or unaware they think we, the general populace is.  I will point out this disregard in earnest as this article progresses.  I am however, pleased to note, the strides that Chris Wallace took on Sunday, to at least be willing to render a perspective on both sides of an issue.  Will it last?  We can only hope!

Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan were the guest on this mornings show.  The first topic discussed was the recent exchange of people between the country of The United States and that of Iran.   On Friday 1/15/16, 10 American sailors were  taken into custody for having crossed over from International Waters into Iran’s Waters.  This seems to be an almost incomprehensible error for a crew of sailors to make given the training and equipment that the United States Navy puts into it’s Sailors and crafts.  I mean really; How does something like this happen?   Perhaps Iran was truly acting in a manner and action that they felt was in the best interest of their country, the mariners code and certainly the established protocol of military procedure in Iran.  The conversation to evaluating this particular situation should only come down to whom was at fault first, and as a response to that fault were proper measures taken by the opponent.   Now what were the terms that allowed for our sailors release.  The United States will release 50 billion dollars that it has been holding as frozen assets, of Iran in banks around the world now that these sanctions will be lifted.  Seven people that the United States has been holding in detention for violations of conduct that may have put these individuals under a suspicious light initially  will be released along with an additional 14 at some later date and the removal of sanctions.  What did the United States get?  First 10 U.S. Navy sailors were released.   In addition to five more detained or incarcerated Americans will be released.  This has everything to do with the actions taken by Iran to meet the requirements of the nuclear treaty or agreement that Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama have worked on without cease for the last 18 months.  Which insures that, Iran will at no time in the near or distant future have the capacity to manufacture a nuclear weapon.  International Inspectors of the Atomic Energy Agency are on the ground already with the ability and access to monitor all production facilities and cumulative amounts of radioactive material that is produced.  The 20,000 centrifuges that had been accumulated, directly involved with  uranium enrichment, have now been reduced by 98%.  This was done through sane and patient diplomatic efforts on the part of the United States joined by some 60 allied powers and other countries combined and I might add, without one shot being fired.  My question to the Republican Party and Republicans in general is: In what way does this show weakness rather than supreme intelligence and understanding.  Of course I realize that to answer that question involves the presence of inductive and deductive reasoning ability, and therefore quite hard for members of the Republican Party to steer, so I am not expecting a sane answer quickly.  The best way for the Republican Party appears to involve America waging a war that is designed to wipe out a country or civilization including the old, sick, women, children and infrastructure.  Claiming that this is the best way to show the world, how powerful and mighty the United States is.  This is the thinking of morons that have no idea that “justice is to be tempered with mercy”.

Another topic that is vitally important to understanding the dilemma American people are faced with, is that the American press is totally involved with controlling,  what will be put before the public and making sure through censorship the public is kept unaware on many issues and perspectives.   This perhaps is due to either a great amount of fear or greed on the parts of those that occupy positions of power in the media.  The CIA, and a global consortium of power throughout the decades of the 1980’s and 1990’s, and the one we have had in this century, has put most of the major papers in major cities out of business.  Also allowing a virtual monopoly on everything that is read, seen or heard to be controlled by six multinational corporations.  These corporations are as follows: 1.) Comcast. 2) News Corp. 3.) Disney )4.)Viacom. 5.) Time Warner 6.) CBS.  A company named Radio One owns over 1100 radio stations from coast to coast.  America is truly involved with making it possible  so that anything in media brought before the public will support whatever agenda that has been deemed as appropriate to further the agenda of those whom are in control and power.  Under the blanket statement by the powers that are, “Do as you’re told and become rich or risk losing everything that is dear to you.”  The Republican Party has a great number of the most powerful people on the planet under it’s umbrella and you can rest assured of one thing.  That much money, power and control in so few hands can end only one way.  Ultimately guiding events into an action that ensures what is best for this small few pocketbooks and their longevity .   Controlling everything that is exposed to people, so that the thought process and focus of the masses is directed towards such trivia as celebrity, sports, and reality t-v.  This works well for those in power, because no thoughts come before the masses that will cause them to question anything of a deep nature that would stir curiosity to ask; Why?  You see just the threat of that question could result in rebellion, but the answer to that question certainly will.

So the real powers of the United States and the world will allow a President of the United States to mass murder 3000 Americans on a single day in a single event and justify it as an event of terror, committed by terrorist entities.  This will cause the price of oil to soar and everything else and they will only become richer, because after all, they control oil and everything else.  Furthermore if we can wipe out the people and civilizations that occupy the land that the oil sits under, “oh well, all is well that ends well”.  We’ll just label them as terrorist and our fellow Americans are so dumb they’ll accept this, because there is no entity or company that will tell them anything different.  Furthermore we will put one of the architects of this mass murder in a chair on Fox TV, extolling his insights and thoughts upon how to keep America and Americans safe.  His name is Karl Rove.  He and all those associated with him Colin, Donald, Condalezza, George, Dick and all of the joint chiefs should not, by law, allowed another breath.  It is completely baffling for me to not see hundreds of thousands of Americans protesting and demanding prosecution for these individuals every day for the crimes of treason and mass murder.  Surely I am not the only person that can see this.  Attorney James Bugliosi, before his death thought so as well as all of those before the “911 Truth” movement.

On Sunday I also saw Mark Rubio state that his policy towards the Middle-East could be summed up in what occurred with the U.S. hostages when they were let go from Iran the day after Ronald Reagan took office.  This is the idiocy of many in the Republican Party, in that they have never really looked at or for the truth.  The Iran Hostage Crisis was extended to not take place until after the election, arranged through further treasonous actions of Henry Kissinger. For this there would be an exchange of assets held by the U.S. that came with the Shah of Iran when he fled Iran for this country.  Reagan knew the whole time he hood-winked the American public with the lie that, “America Will Not Negotiate With Terrorist.”  That was exactly what he had done and was doing.  Mind you, that it was not in doing what was best for America, but for his own ass totally.

Paul Ryan made the statement on the program that Barack Obama was the most divisive President that he can remember in his life.  To make a statement like this can only be because of three conditions.  1.) You are blind and deaf and dumb. with no way to be cognizant of world news or current events  2.) You are an idiot.  3.) You are a lying ass!

Donald Trump proves time and time again what an idiot he is on the way things would be handled best and the honorable position that must and should be taken.  If he is nominated by his party America will be in a war within the first year.  He will only be engaged in activity for the reason of the billions of dollars he will be making under the table.

To end this article I will state that all of this chest beating and drum thumping by the Republicans is stupid since non of their actions in the last thirty years have been in the real interest of what’s best for America.  Not to mention those whom have been murdered or destroyed financially because for these individuals, the truth still mattered.

Sincerely;  I call it just like it is.

Marcus T. Tolbert

Rene Angelil’s Character

To the great and invincible talent of Celine Dion and the morality and principle endowed upon her.  There are not enough words of empathy or sympathy which might or may convey the sorrow and pain that we share with you, in the loss of your husband Rene Angelil.  I hope that this may enlighten those whom may not be aware of giving up what may be comfortable and important for yourself, for that which would be best to bring the loves in and of your life comfort.  Celine met Rene when she was twelve years old and he was so impressed with her natural talent and vocal skills,  he felt that she needed a great manager.  He also felt that this manager should have an enormous amount of integrity, intelligence and above all doing what was best for this young and supremely talented artist.   He thus elected himself for this important task and has done quite well for her as a manger.  They were married in 1994 and have three children.  Today Celine Dion has a net worth of over 630 million dollars, was the top selling  recording artist in record sales from the year 2000-2010 and she is currently under a thirteen year extended contract to Caesar’s Palace which will take her to year 2019.   What is amazing about all of this, is though he has been terribly afflicted in his recent years and months, Rene was always looking for what is in Celine’s best interest.   The fact that they could stay at their lavish estates in Montreal or Florida and live securely on their fortunes, while I am sure Rene was suffering.  He thought it would be in Celine’s best interest to have the contract in Vegas, to keep her before the public and to  be contacted for further projects.   Celine is now 47 years old and becomes 48 in March.  When one reaches 50,  things will and do change, in a person’s physical stamina and willingness to do more than is utterly necessary.  However this depends on the lifestyle of the person, any workout regiments, and of course the profession or career they are involved in or with.  They had recently put up several of their real estate properties and homes for sale.  I would imagine in an effort to consolidate  the holdings of this couple, and centralize monies.  Rene did not want Celine to be troubled by such matters and wanted them sold before he died.  The last years of Rene’s life have been to make sure that Celine would never be in need of anything, and I do mean anything.   Above all that  though, may have been to provide for their children and that they never have to want or want for anything.  I think it will be quite hard on Celine to simply, just bare this tremendous loss and suffering in grief that she must endure at this time.  But I also think she has been imbued with a wisdom, learning from Rene whom was her mentor as well as manager for many years. He was after all 26 years her senior.  He has not made any decisions that were not best for her and as her husband, I hope, explained and taught her everything about the business, so that she may carry on.  And carry on she will, because Rene would want her to.  My thoughts and prayers go to you and the children Mrs. Celine Dion Angelil.

Most Sincerely,

Marcus T. Tolbert

Donald J. “The Mouth” Trump

When Donald Trump makes a statement that he will get 100% of the Black vote, the only question that immediately comes to mind is: How long has he been smoking that shit, because it sure as hell has made him crazy.  A prominent Republican woman stated that if Donald Trump is elected by it’s Party, then Hillary Clinton will  “wipe the floor with him in the general election.”  Listening to him is like listening to George W. Bush all over again and surely this has shown how detrimental it can be to put an idiot in the White House.  The perspective that he poses on, is obviously something from a by gone era, in which women, blacks, and immigrants, the disabled and LGBT were treated as if they had no worth at all and the only people that mattered at all were the White male of America and everyone else could kiss their ass.    I see Donald Trump talking on his cell or office phone, listening to and speaking the words niggers, wetbacks, bitches and “motherfucking Muslims” all day long.   The thing is that he is receiving and talking to Chairmen of Boards, Presidents and CEO’s and he is just talking in a language that is distinctly theirs.  Trump is not the only person expressing these attitudes.  Hell amongst the rich white guys he consorts with daily this is how they express themselves and refer to African Americans, Mexicans, women and Arabian people.  The thread of racism runs deep in America from boardrooms to trailer parks.  Trump believes that when he makes one of these racist comments and diminishing inferences he has actually tapped into the fiber of the American life.  Trump knows exactly  what the thought process of perhaps what the masses of white America feels.  Perhaps he doesn’t realize that the white male represents only 36% of the American population now.  I call it, just like it is.


Marcus T. Tolbert